You don’t have to do much wading in urban creeks to discover interesting and unusual items that have found their way into the creek bottom. Being in a metropolitan area of more than 7 million people, DFW creeks definitely have their share of sunken oddities.

One thing I have noticed in my creek travels for the book is that the fish generally don’t care about these things. In fact, some of the detritus of the city, though not terribly attractive, provides a measure of cover and shelter for certain creek inhabitants, which in a counterintuitive way actually enriches the ecosystem. Don’t get me wrong, it would be best if there were zero city artifacts in our creeks, and that should be the goal, but simple reality dictates that we must live with a non-zero amount of this stuff.
It can be fun to imagine outlandish backstories for the weird and unexpected items to be found in DFW creeks. From the mundane to the truly puzzling, these are some of the things I have come across during my adventures.